Stephen Ministry provides one-to-one pastoral care for individuals experiencing a wide range of life’s challenges– loss of a loved one, hospitalization, separation or divorce, loneliness or discouragement, spiritual crises, unemployment or job crises, a chronic illness, a terminal illness, incarceration, aging, relocation, recovery after an accident, birth, adoption, miscarriage, and / or infertility, etc. at no cost to the receiver.
Stephen Ministry is designed to train and organize lay persons to provide one-to-one Christian care in and around congregations, with emphasis on confidentiality. Started by Dr. Kenneth C. Haugk, a St. Louis Pastor and Clinical Psychologist, this ministry is named after the first lay person chosen by the Apostles to care for the needs of that early congregation (Acts 6:1-6); his name was Stephen.
This program has been implemented in more than 9,000 congregations representing more than 100 Christian denominations. More than 450,000 laypersons have been trained as Stephen Ministers, who in turn have ministered to nearly a million care receivers. Go to for more on the history and programs of Stephen Ministries.

Stephen Ministers are members of Our Lady of Assumption who have been through extensive training and provide confidential, one-to-one, Christian care to people who have suffered a recent loss through death or divorce, medical problems, the loss of a job, or a family/personal struggle. They listen, care, encourage, pray, and provide weekly support for as long as the need persists. If you or someone you know is hurting, find out more about Stephen Ministry by talking with:
Margaret Santiago
(209) 485-2235
Stephen Leader
Our Stephen Ministers are ready to bring God’s love and care to those in need.