Fall 2024 Registration
Parish Office
Parish Mailing Address:
P.O.Box 2030, Turlock CA 95381
Please contact the Faith Formation Director with any Questions, Comments or Concerns you may have about our Catechism program!
Anna Vierra [email protected] 209.634.2222 Ext. 307
Welcome to
Our Lady of the Assumption’s
Catechism Program!
Please refer to the Parent Handbook & Calendar below for updates on the Catechism program
**For information on Payment and Catechism Program Expectations, please scroll below the calendar**
For any other questions please contact Anna at [email protected]

By signing up your child to our Catechism Program, you agree to the following expectations:
1. Your child’s faith formation must be a top priority for your family. Sunday (or Saturday Vigil) Mass attendance is MANDATORY. There will not be absence exceptions for sports, recreational and competitive activities.
2. Catechism classes are from 6 PM- 7:45 PM on Wednesdays. Class attendance includes Mass participation.
3. More than 3 absences per year will be monitored. Exceeding this amount may result in not moving forward in the program or reception of sacraments due to a lack of preparation. Classes cannot be made up, so please make sure that you child participates in each class.
4. When your child is enrolled in a year where they receive the Sacraments for the first time, required events are mandatory and may not be excused or made up. Lack of attendance may result in repeating the year. If the Parish must change the required dates, families will be notified in adequate time.
Registration Payment
Please make sure that program fee is submitted within a week: $75 per child/ $125 per family
Please have exact cash or check written to Our Lady of the Assumption (Memo: CCD- Child’s name)
Drop off money in an envelope with the following on it:
Child’s Name (First and Last Name)
Date of submitted registration
You can drop off the payment at the OLA Office, in the Sunday collection, or mail it in to the church P.O.Box (P.O.Box 2030 Turlock, CA 95381)