A Night in Bethlehem
OLA’s Vacation Bible School brings to you a one Night event for you to experience the night that Jesus Christ was born.
What an amazing night we had at Our Lady of the Assumption. Even with the rain, we had a fantastic night where people walked through the town of Bethlehem and experienced the night that the Savior was born.
If you went to this wonderful event, or volunteered your time and talents- we would love to hear your feedback and experience. Please email Silvia at [email protected] or [email protected].
We cannot wait for next year!!!
As you enter the city gates, you will be greeted with soldiers and directors. You will take your Night in Bethlehem pamphlet and a family picture taken (this picture will be emailed to you within a week or two of the event). That picture will automatically give you “Bethlehem Money” that will help you pay the Tax Collector in town. Don’t loose it or you will have an angry Tax Collector in your hands! As you start your journey, you will first see Mary and an angel as it first appeared to Mary letting her know that she will have a son. Then, as you enter the town you will be greeted by Bethlehem people, Carpenter Shop, the Metal Shop, Basket weavers, the Bakery, and Textile shops. The Inn Keeper will sadly tell you and Mary and Joseph that there is no room in the Inn. Making your way behind the Inn is the Manger, where Mary and Joseph hold baby Jesus.
As you end your trip through Bethlehem, we offer an opportunity for children to do the crafts they received from the different shops and an opportunity to buy food to take home or eat in the Snack Bar!