Email to inquire registration.
Anna Vierra – Faith Formation Director
[email protected]
209-634-2222 ext. 307
Welcome Parents and Candidates
to our Confirmation Program!
Our program is a 2 year preparation program for middle school teens to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and meets once a week in the evening during the months of September-May.
Any other questions can be directed to [email protected]
For more information on What Confirmation is, our program’s mission & philosophy, etc. please scroll to the bottom of this page for Frequently Asked Questions.

Parish Hours Requirement
All Confirmation Candidates are required to complete a total of 20 Parish Hours each year in the Confirmation Program. These hours consist of 10 Prayer Hours and 10 Service Hours. Parish Hours must be done at Parish and must be signed by the supervisor of the hours completed. If your child would like to complete Parish Hours elsewhere, please contact Anna for approval.
10 Prayer Hours – Devotional Hours of Prayer at OLA. (Mass on Sunday & Holy Days of Obligation DO NOT COUNT towards Prayer Hours). This includes:
- First Friday & First Saturday Devotions (See the “What are the First Friday & First Saturday Devotions?” tab for more information)
- Thursday Bible Study (Contact Anna for more information)
- ARMEE Ministries (Once a month on a Monday from 7pm-8:30pm)
- Wednesday English Mass @6pm (aka the Catechism Mass)
- Advent/Lenten Missions
- Walk for Life (Parish usually sends a bus. Contact Anna for more information)
- (Mass on Sunday & Holy Days of Obligation DO NOT COUNT towards Prayer Hours)
10 Service Hours – Hours of Service at OLA
- Vacation Bible School Volunteer in the Summer (See Vacation Bible School page on this website)
- Festa Volunteer in July/August (Contact Anna for more information)
- Catechism Classroom Helper (Contact Anna for more information)
- Altar Server at Mass
- Singing in the Choir for Mass
- Collection Helper at Mass
- Knights of Columbus Events Helper (Contact Anna for more information)
- Serving at WeCare Shelter (Contact WeCare directly to set up times to volunteer)
OLA Confirmation Program FAQs
The Sacrament of Confirmation is a sacrament that is necessary for the completion of the graces received at baptism.
For “by the sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed. CCC 1285.
Our Confirmation Program is structured to assist parents in the task of educating children in the treasury of faith. Because Confirmation candidates tend to be in a period of their lives different from any other, oftentimes they can find themselves rebelling or shutting down when the faith is discussed. There is a lot of pressure on them to be accepted and wanted by others, and it can be a great temptation to disregard the faith.
We believe the law of God is written on the hearts of all people (Romans 2:15) and that “it is Jesus [we] seek when [we] dream of happiness…” (Pope St. John Paul II). We believe that our hearts are restless until they rests in the Lord (St. Augustine). Sometimes, youth don’t know that the answers to all of their big questions is in the Lord and faith He has given us.
The youth of our world are searching for fulfillment and joy just like everyone else. Fortunately, we have our great God who understands that and provides for our every need (Psalm 16:11, 22:26, 107:9, 145:16, Matthew 7:7-8, John 4:14, 6:35, etc).
It is our firm belief that “Each of us is willed. Each of us is loved. Each of us is necessary.” (Pope Benedict XVI). Each candidate who joins us for class is a necessary and important part of the Church and of the world. As a team, we recognize that, and regard each candidate and family with the respect due to them: for they are not only on the road to sainthood, but cherished and bled for by Almighty God.
And so we hope to continue the work done by their previous Catechism programs: to deepen the faith and sense of belonging to the Catholic Church, to committing themselves to a personal relationship with God characterized by a vigorous sacramental life, a lifelong pattern of prayer, Christian service, and growth in their understanding of the Catholic faith.
Our hope is that by the end of the year, we will not have a group of educated students, but a group of dedicated disciples.
A Sponsor is someone who is responsible that the confirmed person behaves as a true witness of Christ and faithfully fulfills the obligations of a confirmed member of the Church (Code of Canon Law 892). The Church states that it is desirable that the sponsor for the confirmation candidates be one of their godparents, however this is not a requirement. The Sponsor needs to be a registered member of a Catholic Parish in order to get the Sponsor Form signed by the Pastor.
Also, the Sponsor must meet the following requirements:
- At least 16 years old or older
- Not a parent of the one to be confirmed
- Received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist
- Attends the Holy Mass every Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation
- Committed to living as a disciple of Christ by worshiping faithfully, serving others, studying and growing in the faith, living according to the teachings of the Catholic Faith
- If married, must be married in the Church by a Catholic priest or deacon.
- Not bound by any canonical penalty (Must have approved annulment if divorced, etc.)
- Able to commit time to share faith and pray with candidate both during period of preparation and after the Confirmation Mass
It is a long tradition in English-speaking countries for Confirmation Candidates to choose a saint as a patron. This saint is someone whom the confirmed looks to as a spiritual guide in their lives. Candidates are encourage to choose a saint whom they can relate to. Whether that be a saint who is well-known for a particular career they hope to pursue, a vocation they feel called to, or even a particular life story that the candidate feels drawn to.
Here is a Lifeteen blog that has a list of saints to choose from!